News Articles

Increase in the I & S Tax
In the past two years the Village has cut nearly $100,000 out of the operational budget by eliminating positions and outside contractors. However, with the declining property valuations and the continuing drought restricting water sales, the water department income is not sufficient to make principal payments for water system improvement bonds acquired years ago. This is the first time in six years since implementing the I & S tax that the council has increased property taxes. By law, the monies acquired from this particular tax can ONLY go toward bond payments of the water system improvements and will not be used in the maintenance and operation budget. To see the 2011-2012 budget please look under the Documents/Ordinances section of this website or click here.
Our total tax rate remains remarkably low. In fact, it is the lowest of any Travis county city that owns its own water service, as you can see in the comparison table on the Travis County Tax Assessor website.